
Dr. Oleh Matsevych is passionate about the care of his patients.

He will perform high-quality surgery utilizing a minimally invasive approach and ensure your recovery will take the smoothest way.

Laparoscopic Surgery

The operation is done via 3 to 4 small cuts in your belly. The camera (laparoscope) is inserted through one of the cuts. Other medical instruments are inserted through the other cuts. Gas (carbon dioxide) is pumped into your belly to expand the space. This gives the surgeon more room to see and work. These smaller cuts usually heal faster than the large cut of open surgery. Most of the intraabdominal operations can be performed with laparoscopy.

Gastrointestinal Surgery

is a treatment for diseases of the parts of the body involved in digestion. This includes the esophagus (swallowing pipe), stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), and rectum.

Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery

is a treatment for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Hernia Surgery

A hernia is when a part of the body (like the intestine) comes through a hole or weak spot in the wall of muscle or connective tissue that’s supposed to protect it (like the abdomen). It doesn’t come through the skin, but a bulge may be felt under the skin that’s not supposed to be there. It can also be painful. A surgeon can repair the hole or weak spot.

Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Metabolic Surgery is used to describe weight loss treatments and procedures to treat metabolic diseases, especially type 2 diabetes. Surgical procedures cause weight-loss by restricting the amount of food the stomach can hold, causing malabsorption of nutrients, or by a combination of both gastric restriction and malabsorption. Most weight-loss surgeries today are performed using minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopic surgery). The most common bariatric surgery procedures are gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, mini-gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Each surgery has its advantages and disadvantages.

Metabolic and Bariatric Endoscopy

the weight loss procedures performed with the gastroscope through the mouth without any skin cutting. Metabolic endoscopy fits between invasive “metabolic” surgery and conservative, less effective treatment. It promises a safe and effective approach to cope with obesity.


Under sedation (a light sleep), your doctor uses a flexible tube (endoscope) with a light and camera attached to it to look inside your digestive tract (stomach and colon). Gastroscopy and Total Colonoscopy can be performed in the rooms.

Advanced Endoscopy

more specialized endoscopic procedures of using unique technology accessories and equipment to manage more complex gastrointestinal, pancreas, biliary, or liver-related disorders.